Have no fear I am here to help!
I have a series of ways to get you back on track with both your gift giving and you personal relaxation. The first, and perhaps most exciting is an autographed book sale on several of my winter books.
I currently have an over stock of Fire and Ice, Edge of Glory, and Close To Home that I would LOVE to sign and ship out to you. Each book sells for $17. Shipping is $3.50 for one book, but if you buy more than one I am happy to combine shipping for the lowest price I can get. These books make great gifts for the romance readers in your life, and they can also serve as a form of self care if you need a little escape in your own right this season. All you have to do is shoot me an email Rachel_Spangler@yahoo.com to let me know which book(s) you want, who you want me to personalize the autograph to, and where I should send it. Then I'll get you a total and you can pay me through PayPal. Just remember shipping is slow this time of year, so the sooner you get the order in the better!
Option number 2, is not book related, but still near and dear to my heart. I am currently hosting a Pampered Chef virtual party. For those of you who don't know, Pampered Chef sells REALLY good cooking related products. I used to work for them when I was a struggling author trying to make ends meet. No my cousin is a consultant and she's doing a great job keeping up the family tradition. If you order through my specific link you can get great stuff and help our both me and an awesome member of my family at the same time. So for all those folks you have to buy for who maybe aren't queer romance readers, just click here, shop, and the items will come right to you (or wherever you want it shipped) in about 7 days. Really, is great stuff, both to impress the avid foodies in your life and to offer aid to people who can't cook at all. Check it out!
The next two items on the list are perfect for those pesky people who seem to have all the STUFF you can imagine. Why not give experiences instead? They are take up less space, are better for the environment, require no shipping, and are always gluten free.
Option number 3, if you or someone who love wants the special VIP access to the inner world of yours truly, there's always the gift of Patreon. Sign them up to become a patron and they get the gift that keeps on giving. Each month I post about what I'm working on, thinking, about reading, or plotting for my future. Patreon at various tiers gets sneak peaks, behind the scene info, Q&A sessions, and even polls on things like what to name characters. This is a fun and safe space for someone who want the inside scoop and prince points range from $2 to $20 a month. Patreon also get discounts on author services through this website.
Which brings me to option number 4. If you know an aspiring author, please go up to the header of this website and check out the wide array of author services I am now offering. Need help hashing out a plot point? I can do that. Want to ask questions of how to submit your book for publishing, I'm here. Finished that first draft and need some expert advise on editing, I'm your boi. Wherever you or a loved one are in the writing process I'm here to help you jump to that next step.