And by “it,” I’m referring to the act of voting, ’cause, y’all, we need to get to the polls.
I am assuming that if you read my books/blog, you do not hate lesbians/trans/queer folks. I mean if so…
I also hope that my previous blogs about things like the Confederate flag ran off a high portion of racists. And my Christmas blogs frequently talk about how my faith requires me to see Christ in the face of immigrants and refugees…because, duh! So, I am going to assume that most of you care about women/racial minorities/queer folks, and just the general state of humanity. And therefore it should go without saying that you’ve got to vote. If you can’t see how important that is even while living in our current dumpster fire, I don’t know what logical argument I can make to change your mind.
However, I’m not giving up on you. Even if you don’t have a single shit to give about this being an actual visual of America for the foreseeable future:
I won’t try to appeal to your better angels or play the voice of reason. I will drop down to a baser level to straight up carrot-and-stick this conversation with sex and free books.
Yeah, you heard me. Sex and free books, people.
You see, a couple months back I was approached by lesbian romance writing heroes KG McGregor and Susan X Meagher. They asked me if I’d be interested in submitting a short story to a collection aimed at getting out the vote. At first, my response was the same as it is to every other short story I’ve ever been asked to submit to.
I am a novelist for a reason. I am long-winded AF. The last time someone made me write a short story, I turned in 33,000 words. I mean, thoughts and prayers to you, but I don’t write short stories. And I’m happy with that.
Then I watched the news some more, and was like
Okay, so while I maintain I don’t write short stories, I also don’t sit around and do nothing while a megalomaniac despot and an army of white nationalists march across our political landscape. So guess what?
All in, actually. Not only did I submit a short story for the anthology, I submitted an EROTIC short story.
Yep, yep, yep. Me! Ms. I-Hate-Writing-Sex-Scenes turned in a sexy little number for the whole world to read (not you, Mom and Dad). My entry, called The Tie That Binds, is about what happens when a campaign director and a staffer get to cut loose in the wake of a big congressional win. Because, come on, we all need some big congressional wins Nov 6, and when you help make that happen, you should get to celebrate in exactly the way my characters do.
Which brings me back around to my main point. When you do your part by marching yourself down to your official polling place and pulling that lever (or pushing that button) you can have a copy of the We’ve Got The Power collection as soon as you prove you’ve lived up to your most basic civil responsibility to vote.
Seriously, that’s the only way you get your hot little hands on this hot little book. You cannot buy a copy anywhere. This is not some Citizen’s-United-style bullshit. It’s not for sale, and it’s never going to be. One person, one vote, one ebook.
It’s not hard (unless you’re a minority or a student, and then voting might be kind of hard, but that’s all the more reason to do it ( I llegitimi non carborundum ).
But once you have voted, all you have to do is comment below, or on my FB/Twitter/Insta, and share a picture of you (or your pet) with your absentee ballot ready to mail, or at your polling place, or with your “I voted” sticker. If you can’t do any of those things, get creative, but show me, somehow, that you voted, and then give me your email.
From there I’ll send you a link to download We’ve Got The Power, and you’ll get to enjoy exclusive works from not only me, but also some of the top names in lesbian fiction. There are stories from KG McGregor, Susan X Meagher , Tracy Richardson , Cheryl Head , Ann McMan , Trailblazer Marianne K. Martin , J.E. Knowles , Mary Griggs , City Rizzo , Jamie Clevenger, and so many more. It’s quality, it’s fun, it’s diverse, and it’s free, just for doing something you damn well ought to be doing already.
There you have it. I hope you care enough about humanity to vote, but even if you don’t, I’m sure you care about sex and books. So this Election Day, let’s get it on!